Rocket Raccoon


         "I'll tell you all something I've learned over the years with my friends. You can save the galaxy and take down scores. You can save millions of people by killing a few bad ones. You can do it all -- you just gotta tell yourself, and believe it when you say it -- "I'm the baddest mother @#$&#$% in the whole universe." "

                                 —Rocket Raccoon

Early Life

Somewhere in the black holes of Sirius Major there lived a young boy by the name of Rocket Raccoon. The Keystone Quadrant star system had been discovered by a group of alien humanoids seeking a place for their mentally ill. 
Their hospice ships founded an asylum in the Quadrant to exploit the region's remoteness: far away from everything, it was more secure. 

Because in truth, it was an asylum for the criminally insane. There are two separate accounts of Rocket Raccoon's homeplanet: the real, dark history and the happy, innocent history that was implanted in his brain.

The humanoids separated the quadrant from the rest of the galaxy with an impenetrable force field called the Galacian Wall. 
In truth, the planet was a Matrioshka brain, a bio-organic ecosystem of world spheres within world spheres that maximized the power output of the sun at its center. 

When their funding was cut they had to leave back to their home planet, but not before building robot stewards to provide for the mentally ill.

 When a nearby star went nova, ensuing radiation gave sentience to the robots, who quickly chafed at the illogical directives of the humanoids, or “Loonies.” Seeking to end their servitude, the robots used genetic engineering to give intelligence and awareness to the animals that had been left as companions for the patients. This process, however, was traumatic.

A young animal with no consciousness, Rocket was used as the service animal for a patient named Khevix, a war vet with a mouth like a sailor and some bad dreams. 
He liked Rocket to sit in his lap while they watched dumb old war movies. He was good to Rocket — the last one to ever be.
The robots got to him and gave him intelligence, but he never figured out what the actual process was; he only knew it was painful and traumatic, a “chorus of razors.”

Powers And Abilities


Raccoon Physiology:  Rocket possesses the same enhanced abilities attributed to Earth raccoons,
including an acute sense of smell and sharp eyesight.
A raccoon's brown coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates against cold weather.
  • Raccoon Senses: Being a raccoon, many of Rocket's senses are heightened to levels well above human. He’s able to see much better than the average human and is extremely well adapted to near dark conditions. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to detect subtle changes in scents around him, enabling him to detect the approach of others and increasing his ability to operate in darkness. 

  • Enhanced Intelligence: Rocket's cerebral cortex was genetically enhanced meaning that unlike other members of his species he has a cognitive and intellectual equivalent or superior ability to the most sensitive species in the galaxy. He can talk and communicate with other species, as well as perform extremely complex tasks.

  • Enhanced Strength: Due to his augmentations, Rocket is much stronger than a normal Earth raccoon. He is able to physically overpower people many times his size, and carry a weight of artillery weapons that only the average sized humanoid can normally use.

  • Enhanced Durability: Due to cybernetic implants, Rocket can survive damage that would normally be sufficient to kill an animal of his size, and injure a normal sized human. He withstood getting thrown by Starhawk,[citation needed] and being shot with energy blasts fired by powerful beings such as an Ultron-possessed Adam Warlock.

  • Enhanced Agility: Rocket's entire skeletal structure is cybernetic, allowing him to move more like a human and still be as agile as a raccoon. He can avoid rapid gunfire and escape various prisons.

  • Enhanced Reflexes: Rocket is able to quickly respond to high intensity situations, such as piloting ships.


  • Expert Marksman: Rocket is well-versed in the use of high-powered firearms, from all over the galaxy.

  • Skilled Combatant: Rocket is a fair combatant as well as armed proficient fighter.

  • Accomplished Tactician and Strategist: He is an instinctive tactical genius, though relatively inexperienced in that field. However, Star-Lord once told him, "you got the best tactical mind I ever met."[4] He able to formulate battle strategies with his brilliant tactical sense and allows him to alter many strategies to fit the changing need of the situation.

  • Pilot: Rocket is an accomplished starship pilot.

  • Demolitions Expert: One of the Skills that Rocket was considered to bring to the Guardians of the Galaxy team, was his demolition expertise which he displayed in the building of powerful explosive devices.


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